Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh, Simplicity, how I love thee!

I have always been a fan of Simplicity patterns. Ther are typically on-trend, current, and I find most to be well drafted and easy to use. They recently relased their new spring pattern line, and I am swooning (yes, SWOONING) over some of the offerings. If only I had more time/money/energy to sew all the patterns I love, what a wardrobe I would have! (I am sure fellow sewers can relate). So here are my top picks from the Simplicity Spring 2011 collection:

I love the jacket in this pattern. The top would also be cute done up in an eyelet. Lots of designers are using eyelet this year, and I am very happy about that. I have always liked eyelet. It says spring to me.

This skirt pattern is cute, and is a beginner, Learn-To-Sew pattern. I'm glad to see Simpicity is trying to spark an interest in the next generation or would-be sewers. I love seeing new sewers become obseessed  interested in sewing like I am.

Simplicity has a new line of patterns designed by Suade, who apparently was a contestant on Project Runway, but I don't remember him. The patterns are cute. My favorite is this one, not the romper but the dress in the line drawing on the left. I can see this made up in a chambray.

I saved the best for last. I absolutely love, love, love the new Lisette patterns. So much so, that I picked up all 4 at the last Simplicity pattern sale at Hancock's. Hey, at $1.00 a piece, why not? I am planning a 5 piece mini-wardrobe around these patterns. A pair of cropped pants, a skirt, two tops to match both, and a spring jacket. The only thing stopping me is the whole time/money/energy issue I mentioned above. But what a nice boost it would be to my work wardrobe!

Skirt and blouse:

Cropped pants:


And a bonus piece (I guess that makes a 6 piece wardrobe, but who's counting?). I love this shirt dress, and am planning to make it in a chambray:

And to add to my excitement over these new patterns, Joann's will be carrying the fabric used for these Lisette patterns this spring. I can't wait to check them out!

Right now I am working on a new white blouse. There's something so satisfying about sewing a new, crisp, white blouse. Pictures coming soon!
